International Journal |
1. N Aghili Mahabadi, HR Zarif Sanayei, SM Hatefi (2022), Prioritization of Low-Impact Development Methods for Management of Urban Surface Runoff, Using the Fuzzy TOPSIS and TOPSIS Method (Case Study: Sepahan-Shahr Town, Isfahan) , Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering 53 (11), 18-18 |
2. SM Hatefi, H Asadi, G Shams, J Tamošaitienė, Z Turskis (2021), Model for the Sustainable Material Selection by Applying Integrated Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory and Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method , Sustainability 13 (18), 10438 |
3. SM Hatefi, H Asadi, G Shams (2020), Designing a fuzzy inference system for contractor selection under uncertainty , Iran University of Science & Technology 10 (4), 715-732 |
4. S. M. Hatefi, ME Basiri, J Tamošaitienė (2019), An evidential model for environmental risk assessment in projects using dempster–shafer theory of evidence , Sustainability 11(22), 6329 |
5. SM Hatefi, SM Moshashaee, I Mahdavi (2019), A bi-objective programming model for reliable supply chain network design under facility disruption , International Journal of Integrated Engineering 11 (6), 80-92 |
6. SM Hatefi, A Haeri (2019), Evaluating hospital performance using an integrated balanced scorecard and fuzzy data envelopment analysis , Journal of Health Management & Informatics 6 (2), 66-76 |
7. SM Hatefi, J Tamošaitienė (2019), An integrated fuzzy DEMATEL-fuzzy ANP model for evaluating construction projects by considering interrelationships among risk factors , Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 25 (2), 114-131 |
9. R Kamgar, SM Hatefi, N Majidi (2018), A Fuzzy Inference System in Constructional Engineering Projects to Evaluate the Design Codes for RC Buildings , Civil Engineering Journal 4 (9), 2155-2172. |
10. D Mohamadi Janaki, H Izadbakhsh, SM Hatefi (2018), The Effect of Information Sharing on the Assessment of Supply Chain Performance in Uncertain Conditions , International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research 10, 72-82. |
11. SM Hatefi, J Tamošaitienė (2018), Construction projects assessment based on the sustainable development criteria by an integrated fuzzy AHP and improved GRA model , Sustainability 10 (4), 991 |
12. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi (2018), A slack analysis framework for improving composite indicators with applications to human development and sustainable energy indices , Econometric Reviews 37 (3), 247-259 |
13. D Janaki, H Izadbakhsh, SM Hatefi , The evaluation of supply chain performance in the Oil Products Distribution Company, using information technology indicators and fuzzy TOPSIS technique , Management Science Letters 8 (8), 835-848 |
14. SM Hatefi (2018), Strategic planning of urban transportation system based on sustainable development dimensions using an integrated SWOT and fuzzy COPRAS approach , Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 4 (1), 99-112 |
15. SM Hatef, SF Jamshidi (2017), Application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Topsis for Evaluation and , Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (1), 99-103 |
16. SM Hatefi, A Haeri, M Fasanghari (2017), A slack analysis framework for IT risk processes management through risk IT framework , International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 26 (1), 1-15 |
18. SM Hatefi, M Fasanghari (2016), A dea-based approach for information technology risk assessment through risk information technology framework Risk , The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 22(39), 51-58. |
19. SA Torabi, N Pourreza, SM Hatefi (2015), A common weight multi-criteria decision analysis-data envelopment analysis approach with assurance region for weight derivation from pairwise comparison matrices , International Journal of Engineering 28 (12), 1746-1755 |
20. SA Torabi, J Namdar, SM Hatefi, F Jolai (2016), An enhanced possibilistic programming approach for reliable closed-loop supply chain network design , International Journal of Production Research 54 (5), 1358-1387 |
21. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, (2016), Integrated Forward-reverse Logistics Network Design under Uncertainty and Reliability Consideration , Scientia Iranica. Transaction E, Industrial Engineering 23 (2), 721 |
22. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2015), Reliable Forward-Reverse Logistics Network Design under Partial and Complete Facility Disruptions , International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 20, pp. 370-394. |
23. A Haeri, SM Hatefi, K Rezaie, (2015), Forecasting about EURJPY exchange rate using hidden Markov model and CART
classification algorithm , Journal of
Advanced Computer Science & Technology, In press |
24. SM Hatefi, Mehdi Fasanghari, (2015), A DEA-Based Approach for Information Technology Risk Assessment through Risk IT Framework , International Arab Journal of Information Technology, In press |
25. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi, (2015), A Common Weight Linear Optimization Approach for Multicriteria ABC Inventory Classification , Advances in Decision Sciences, Article ID 645746, 11 pages |
26. A Haeri, K Rezaie, SM Hatefi, (2014), Developing an approach for decision making units integration using multi objective particle swarm optimization , International Journal of Engineering & Technology 4 (1), 48-53 |
27. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, (2014), Reliable design of an integrated forward-revere logistics network under uncertainty and facility disruptions: A fuzzy possibilistic programing model , KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, pp. 1-12, In Press. |
28. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, (2014), A credibility-constrained programming for reliable forward–reverse logistics network design under uncertainty and facility disruptions , International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, pp. 1-15, In Press. |
29. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi, P Bagheri, (2014), Multi-criteria ABC inventory classification with mixed quantitative and qualitative criteria , International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, pp. 776-786. |
30. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2014), Robust and reliable forward–reverse logistics network design under demand uncertainty and facility disruptions , Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 38, pp. 2630–2647. |
31. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2013), A model for classification of intermediate measures and evaluating the performance of chain and its members , International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 17, pp. 199-214. |
32. SM Hatefi, J Razmi (2013) , An integrated methodology for supplier selection and order allocation in the presence of imprecise data , International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 15, pp. 51-68. |
33. A Azadeh, SM Hatefi, H Kor, (2012), erformance improvement of a multi product assembly shop by integrated fuzzy simulation approach , Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 23, pp. 1861-1883. |
34. SA Torabi, SM Hatefi, B Saleck Pay, (2012), ABC inventory classification in the presence of both quantitative and qualitative criteria , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 63, pp. 530-537. |
35. A Azadeh, H Kor, SM Hatefi, (2011), A hybrid genetic algorithm-TOPSIS-computer simulation approach for optimum operator assignment in cellular manufacturing systems , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 34, pp. 57-74. |
36. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2010), A new model for classifying inputs and outputs and evaluating the performance of DMUs based on translog output distance function , Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 34, pp. 1439-1449. |
37. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi, (2010), A common weight MCDA–DEA approach to construct composite indicators , Ecological Economics, Vol. 70, pp. 114-120. |
38. H Iranmanesh, SM Hatefi, M Sharafi, (2008), A Model to Increase Flexibility of Precedence Relations in Project Network , World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 250-260. |
39. M Sharafi, F Jolai, H Iranmanesh, SM Hatefi, (2008), A model for project scheduling with fuzzy precedence links , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 1356-1361. |
Research Journal |
٤٠. Seyed Morteza Hatefi, Hassan Mohseni (2019), Evaluating and prioritizing the risks of BOT projects using structural equations and integrated model of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS , Journal Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 111-130 |
٤١. Seyed Morteza Hatefi, Nazanin Koohi Habibi, Elham Abdollahi (2019), Evaluating investment potential tourism centers using integrated model of fuzzy Shannon’s entropy and fuzzy ARAS method , Tourism Management Studies Volume 14 Issue 48 Pages 269-302 |
٤٢. Seyed Morteza Hatefi, Ali Heidari (2019), Evaluating construction projects based on the risk factors by using an integrated fuzzy AHP and fuzzy VIKOR model , Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, 5, 4, 156-175 |
International Conference |
43. A Haeri, B Ostadi, SM Hatefi, (2015), Developing a model to increase utilization of project resources , 11th International Industrial Engineering Conference, complete
article, Tehran |
44. SA Torabi, J Namdar, SM Hatefi, (2015), A New Possibilistic Programming Approach for Reliable Closed Loop Logistic Network Design under Disruption , 11th International Industrial Engineering Conference, complete
article, Tehran. |
45. A Azadeh, SM Hatefi, H Kor, (2009), Design of fuzzy Simulation in fuzzy manufacturing Environment: Case study , 6th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Sharif University, Tehran. |
46. A Azadeh, H Kor, SM Hatefi, (2008), hybrid GA-TOPSIS Approach for Optimum Operator Assignment in CMS , 6th International Management Conference, Sharif University, Tehran. |
47. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, H Kor, (2009), A new model for classifying inputs and outputs and evaluating the DMUs efficiency in DEA based on Cobb-Douglas production function , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 390-394. |
48. A Azadeh, H Kor, SM Hatefi, (2009), A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Optimum Operator Assignment in CMS , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 42-46. |
49. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, H Iranmanesh, H Kor, (2009), A new DEA model for classification intermediate measures and evaluating supply chain and its members , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 457-461. |
50. A Azadeh, SM Hatefi, H Kor, (2009), Simulating Fuzzy Manufacturing System: Case Study , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 505-509. |
51. F Jolai, H Kor, SM Hatefi, H Iranmanesh, (2009), A genetic algorithm for makespan minimization in a no-wait flow shop problem with two batching machines , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 2, pp. 238-242. |
52. H Kor, H Iranmanesh, H Haleh, SM Hatefi, (2009), A multi-objective genetic algorithm for optimization of cellular manufacturing system , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09, Vol. 1, pp. 252-256. |