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Monday 10 February 2025

Ali Mokhtari

Associate Professor


Basic Science Faculty

Tel: 03832324401


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Research Interest
   Computational Condensed Matter Physics:

Academic Resume
   Phd, , Isfahan University of Technology, Iran، Graduation Date: 2004
   Master, , Isfahan University of Technology, Iran، Graduation Date: 1999
   Bachelor, , Isfahan University of Technology, Iran، Graduation Date: 1997

International Journal
1. Mahdi Ebrahimi, Vishtasb Soleimanian, Mohsen Ghasemi, Mohsen Nekoeinia, Ali Mokhtari, Effects of graphene quantum dots on microstructure, optical and gas sensing properties of coral-like ZnCo۲O۴ nanoparticles ,
2. Masoumeh Talebi, Ali Mokhtari , Vishtasb Soleimanian, Ab-inito simulation of the structural, electronic and optical properties for the vacancy-ordered double perovskites A۲TiI۶ (A = Cs or NH۴); A time-dependent density functional theory study ,
3. Elham Allahverdi, Vishtasb Soleimanian, Mohsen Ghasemi, Ali Mokhtari, Microstructure and optical properties of NaTaO۳ and TiO۲ nanocrystalline low symmetry materials ,
4. Soleimanian, Kheyri, Ghasemi, Mokhtari, The microstructure, optical and gas sensing properties of bilayer TiO/ZnO systems in terms of annealing temperature ,
5. Kheiri, Soleimanian, Mokhtari , Ghasemi, The microstructure behavior of the TiO۲/ZnO bilayer films using x-ray diffraction analysis , Materials Research Express 2019
6. saba khalili, Vishtasb Soleimanian, Ali Mokhtari, Mohsen Ghasemi, Investigation of the lattice defects density and optical characteristics for the anatase phase of titanium dioxide nanocrystalline films , Applied Physics A
7. saba khalili, Vishtasb Soleimanian, Ali Mokhtari, Mohsen Ghasemi, Investigation of the lattice defects density and optical characteristics for the anatase phase of titanium dioxide nanocrystalline films , Applied Physics A
8. Mina Alimohammadi and Ali Mokhtari, Simulation BeSe Nanowires in Two Phasese Zinc-Blende and Wurtzite using Density Functional Theory , Applied Mechanics and Materials 110, 1264-1269
9. Ali Mokhtari and Mohammad Alidosti, Ab initio investigation of the structural and electronic properties of the MgFBrxCl۱-x quaternary alloy , Modern Physics Letters B 28, 1450281-88
10. Vishtasb Soleimanian, marzieh Saeidi and Ali Mokhtari, The influence of heat treatment on the crystallite size, dislocation density, stacking faults probability and optical band gap of nanostructured cadmium sulfide films , Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 30, 118-127
11. Vishtasb Soleimanian, marzieh Saeidi and Ali Mokhtari, The influence of heat treatment on the crystallite size, dislocation density, stacking faults probability and optical band gap of nanostructured cadmium sulfide films ,
12. Hamed Aleebrahim, kamram dastafkan Ahmad moshaei and Ali Mokhtari, Thermal post-annealing and gas concentration effect on liquid petroleum gas sensing characteristics of nanocrystalline zinc oxide thin films , J MATER. SCI.-MATER. ELEC.26, 3134-3142
13. Reyhaneh ebrahimi and Ali Mokhtari, Electronic, Structural, and Magnetic Properties of the Double Perovskite Ba۲MnMoO۶ in Different Phases Using Hubbard Model , J Supercond Nov Magn 29, 1339-1346
14. saba Khalili, Vishtasb Soleimanian and Ali Mokhtari,, Developing a method for the evaluation of dislocation parameters from the Rietveld refinement procedure , Powder Diffraction, 31, 198-204
15. saba khalili, Vishtasb Soleimanian, Ali Mokhtari, Mohsen Ghasemi, Investigation of the lattice defects density and optical characteristics for the anatase phase of titanium dioxide nanocrystalline films , Applied Physics A
16. T. Hashemifar, Ali Mokhtari and Vishtasb Soleimanian, (Electronic, Structural and Magnetic Properties of the Sr۲CoWO۶ Double Perovskite Using GGA (+U , Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30, 497-503
17. Ali Mokhtari, Vishtasb Soleimanian, Hamed Aleebrahim and kamram dastafkan, Applying the X-ray diffraction analysis for estimating the height and width of nanorods in low symmetry crystal multiphase materials , Journal of Crystal Growth, 478, 58-63
18. حامد آل ابراهیم، علی مختاری، کامران دست افکن، ویشتاسب سلیمانیان, Sol–Gel Spin-Coating Followed by Solvothermal Synthesis of Nanorods-Based ZnO Thin Films: Microstructural, Optical, and ... , Journal of Electronic Materials
19. Hassan Ghasemi and Ali Mokhtari, Using the HgxMg(۱-x)Te ternary compound as a room temperature photodetector: Study of the electronic structure, charge transport, and response function of the energetic electromagnetic radiation , Chinese Physics B, 27, 531011-531017
20. Hassan Ghasemi and Ali Mokhtari, Vishtasb Soleimanian, Introduce of Zn x Hg(۱-x)Te as a room temperature photo-detector: ab initio calculations of the electronic structure and charge carrier transport , Materials Research Express 5 , 15910-1_15910-8
Research Journal
٢١. طیبه السادات هاشمی فر و علی مختاری, بررسي خواص ساختاري، الکتروني و مغناطيسي پروسکايت مضاعف Sr۲NiWO۶ با استفاده از محاسبات ابتدا به ساکن , پژوهش سيستم هاي بس ذره اي، جلد 11، صفحات 82-75
٢٢. ریحانه ابراهیمی و علی مختاری, شبيه سازي خواص فيزيکي ترکيب پروسکايت BaMnxMo۱-xO۳ با استفاده از نظريه تابعي چگالي و تصحيح هابارد , مجله پژوهش فيزيک ايران، جلد 18، صفحات 156-151
٢٣. حسن قاسمی، علی مختاری، فریدون پیامی و ویشتاسب سلیمانیان, امکان سنجي استفاده از ترکيب سه تايي ZnxHg(۱-x)Te به عنوان طيف نماي تابشهاي هسته اي , مجله پژوهش فيزيک ايران، جلد 18، صفحات 162-150



Number Student Name Title Defence Date
1. M. Talebi Study of the structural, electronic and optical properties of the propenal (C3H4O) molecule using ab-inito method سه شنبه ٢٨ آذر ١٣٩٦
2. Khalil Alidoosti The Study of Stability of Orthorhombic Phases of NaTaO3 Perovskite Compound Using Ab-initio Method شنبه ٣٠ شهريور ١٣٩٨
3. T. Hashemifar Study and Quantum mechanical modeling of the physical properties of Sr2(Co, Cu, Ni)WO6 compounds چهارشنبه ٢٦ مهر ١٣٩٦
4. Hassan Ghasemi Feasibility of using of ternary compound semiconductors ( HgXA(1-X)Se , HgXA(1-X)Te , HgBXC(1-X)( and nanostructure binary semiconductors in spectroscopy by DFT simulation چهارشنبه ٢٥ بهمن ١٣٩٦

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