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Thursday 6 February 2025

Ataollah Ebrahimi

Associate Professor

Natural Engineering

Faculty of Natural Resources and Geosciences

Tel: 03832324401-2359


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Research Interest
   Rangeland Modelling: Rangelands ecosystems are outcome of interactions among physical, biological, environmental, social and economic processes. Therefore,for optimizing rangeland resources management at temporal and spatial scales, the modelling is vital. Resarch on this complicated systems leads us to a better understanding, planning and sustanable management.
   Rangeland Modelling: Rangelands ecosystems are outcome of interactions among physical, biological, environmental, social and economic processes. Therefore,for optimizing rangeland resources management at temporal and spatial scales, the modelling is vital. Resarch on this complicated systems leads us to a better understanding, planning and sustanable management.
   Rangeland Assessment and Monitoring Methods : Principles and practical application of the assessment and monitoring of rangeland plant communities. Course will be offered in a hybrid format in summers of odd years. In the online portion of the course, students will learn how to set objectives, determine parameters to measure, select appropriate techniques, and analyze quantitative data. The Lab is a required face-to-face field experience. Completion of online portion required prior to beginning of lab, which will be a 1-week intensive field session held in late summer (dates and location will be specified) providing substantial field experiences to include performing a wide variety of sampling techniques, collection and analysis of assessment and monitoring data, and learning how state and federal agencies assess and monitor rangelands. Students will work in teams to develop a monitoring plan for a property in western SD, collect and analyze initial data, and present the plan and results to the land owner. Co-requisites: RANG 425L/525L.

Academic Resume
   Phd, , Ghent University, Belgium ، Graduation Date: 2007
   Master, , Tarbiat Modares University, Iran، Graduation Date: 1998
   Bachelor, , Yazd University, Iran، Graduation Date: 1995

International Journal
1. Elaheh Zafarian, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Esmaeil Asadi, Ali Abbasi Sourki, Required Growing Degree-Days (GDDs) for each Phenological Stage of Fritillaria imperialis , Journal of Rangeland Science. 9:62-73.
2. Ali Goharnejad, Azin Zarei, Pejman Tahmasebi, Esmaeil Asadi and Ataollah Ebrahimi, A Grazing Capacity Model with Fuzzy Inference System in Semi-steppe Rangelands , Environment and Natural Resources J. 13: 1-13.
3. Davood Ghanbarian, Zahra Shojaei, Ataollah Ebrahimi and S. Yuneji, Physical Properties and Compositional Changes of two Cultivars of Cantaloupe Fruit During Various Maturity Stages , Iran Agricultural Research, 25(2): 117-126.
4. Ataollah Ebrahimi, Beatrijs Bossuyt, Maurice Hoffmann, Effects of species aggregation, habitat and season on the accuracy of double-sampling to measure herbage mass in a lowland grassland ecosystem , Grass and Forage Science, ۶۳: ۷۹-۸۵.
5. Valiollah raoufiRad, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Hossein Azadi, , Animal preference and external plant attributes: application of principle component analysis , Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences. ۶:۲۲-۳۳.
6. Ataollah Ebrahimi, Tanja Milotic, Maurice Hoffmann, A herbivore specic grazing capacity model accounting for spatio-temporal environmental variation: A tool for a more sustainable nature conservation and rangeland management , Ecological Modelling. ۲۲۱:900-910
7. Zahra Shojaei, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Manadana Salimi, Chemical Composition of Three Ecotypes of Wild Celery (Kelussia odoratissima) , Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 17: 62-68
8. Valiollah raoufiRad, Hossein Azadi, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Setareh Bagheri Salmi, Determining Rangeland Species Palatability: Application of Principal Component Analysis , Rangelands, ۳۸: 105-112
9. Azin Zarei, Esmaeil Asadi, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Mohammad Jafari, Comparison of Meteorological Indices for Spatio-Temporal Analysis Of Drought In Chahrmahal-Bakhtiyari Province In Iran , Croatian Meteorological Journal, 52: 13-26
10. Fatemeh Pordel, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Zahra Azizi, Canopy cover or remotely sensed vegetation index, explanatory variables of above-ground biomass in an arid rangeland, , Journal of Arid Land, 10:767-780.
11. Zahra Abdolalizadeh, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Raoof Mostafazadeh, Landscape pattern change in Marakan protected area, Iran , Regional Environmental Change, 19: 1683-1699
12. Hojatollah Khedrigharibvand, Hossein Azadi, Dereje Teklemariam, Ataollah Ebrahimi, Elham OmidzadehArdali, Veronique Van Acker, Veerle Van Eetvelde, Philippe De Maeyer, Frank Witlox, Sustainable Rangeland Management in Southwest Iran: Understanding Changes in Experts’ Attitudes Toward Livelihood Alternatives , Rangeland Ecology & Management, 72, 433-445



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