International Journal |
1. Navidreza Abjadi, ABBAS KARGAR, SECOND ORDER SLIDING MODE CONTROL FOR ISLANDED AC MICROGRIDS WITH RENEWABLE POWER RESOURCES , Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique 69(1):39-44,DOI: 10.59277/RRST-EE.2024.1.7, 2024 |
2. Zabiholah Faramarzi· Saeed Abazari· Said Hoghoughi· Navid Reza Abjadi, Dynamic stability improvement of power system with DFIG using multi-input backstepping control , Electrical Engineering, 7 Sep 2022 |
3. Navid Reza Abjadi, Modeling and Realization of Photovoltaic Simulator Based on a Buck DC-DC Converter , SERBIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2022, 147-166 |
4. Alireza Goudarzian, Behzad Mirzaeian Dehkordi, Navidreza Abjadi, Ehsan Adib, Design of a switched-capacitor boost converter utilizing magnetic coupling with capability of right-half plane zero elimination , IET Power Electron. 2020;1–14. |
5. Seyed Ali Akbar Fallahzadeh, Navid Reza Abjadi, Abbas Kargar, Frede Blaabjerg, Applying Sliding-Mode Control to a Double-Stage Single-Phase Grid-Connected PV System , Journal of renewable energy and environment, JREE: Vol. 8, No. 1, (Winter 2021) 1-12 |
6. S. Ahmadzadeh, G. Arab Markadeh, N. Abjadi, Alleviating the right-half-plane zero effect on Z-source converter output voltage regulation using the cascaded sliding mode controller , IET power Electronic, Sept. 2020 |
7. S. A. A. Fallahzadeh, N. R. Abjadi, A. Kargar, F. Blaabjerg, Nonlinear Control for Positive Output Super Lift Luo Converter in Stand Alone Photovoltaic System , International Journal of Engineering (IJE), IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications, 2020, pp. 237-247 |
8. S. A. A. Fallahzadeh, N. R. Abjadi, A. Kargar, Decoupled Active and Reactive Power Control of a Grid-Connected Inverter-Based DG Using Adaptive Input–Output Feedback , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, 2020, pp. 1-10 |
9. A. Goudarzian, A. Khosravi, N. R. Abjadi, Input–output current regulation of Zeta converter using an optimized dual?loop current controller , Electrical Engineering, 2020, pp. 279-291 |
10. M. Mahdavi, M. Shahriari, N. R. Abjadi, An Adaptive Estimator-Based Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Uncertain POESLL Converter , IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2019 |
11. A. Goudarzian, A. Khosravi, N. R. Abjadi, Sliding mode current control of a NOCULL converter based on hysteresis modulation method in a wide range of operating conditions , ISA Transaction, 2019, pp. 214-225 |
12. N. R. Abjadi, A. Goudarzian, G. Arab, Z. Valipour, Reduced-Order Backstepping Controller for POESLL DC–DC Converter Based on Pulse Width Modulation , Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng, 2018 |
13. N. R. Abjadi, D. Ghanbari, DIRECT TORQUE AND FLUX CONTROL OF ASYMMETRICAL SIX-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR WITH ZERO SEQUENCE COMPONENTS ELIMINATION , Revue roumaine des sciences techniques Série Electrotechnique, Vol. 62, 2017, pp. 36-41. |
14. M. Hosseinzadeh, G.R. Arab, E. Daryabeygi,N.R.Abjadi and A.Kargar, Application of brain emotional learning-based intelligent controller to power flow control … , IET generation, transmission & Distribution, 2015 |
15. M.Salimi, J. Soltani, A. Zakipour and N.R.Abjadi, Hyper-plane sliding mode control of the DC-DC buck/boost converter in … , IET power electronics, 2015 |
16. M. Hosseinzadeh Soreshjani, N. Abjadi and Gh. Arab Markadeh, A new arrangement of Z-source AC – AC converter and its closed-loop control system , International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,2014 |
17. M. Hosseinzadeh Soreshjani, N. R. Abjadi, A. Kargar, Gh. Arab Markadeh, A comparison between fuzzy logic and PID controllers to control transmitted , Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol. 22, 2014 |
18. S. M. J. Rastegar Fatemi, N. R. Abjadi, J. Soltani,, Speed sensorless control of a six-phase induction , IET Power Electronics, 2013 |
19. E. Daryabeigia, N.R. Abjadi, and G.R. Arab Markadeh, Automatic speed control of an asymmetrical , Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. ۲۶, 2014 |
20. M. Salimi, J. Soltani, Gh. Arab Markadeh and N. R. Abjadi, Adaptive nonlinear control of the DC-DC buck converters operating in CCM and DCM , European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP), 2012 |
21. Mahdi Salimi, Jafar Soltani, Gholamreza Arab Markadeh, N. R. Abjadi, Indirect output voltage regulation of DC – DC buck/boost converter operating in continuous and discontinuous conduction modes using adaptive backstepping approach , IET Power Electronics, ۲۰۱۳ |
22. S.M.J. Rastegar Fatemi, J. Soltani, N. R. Abjadi, G.R. Arab Markadeh, Space-vector pulse-width modulation of a Z-source six-phase inverter with neural network classification , IET Power Electronics, Vol. ۵, No. ۹ |
23. N. R. Abjadi, G. R. Arab Markadeh, J. Soltani, Model Following Sliding-Mode Control of a Six-Phase Induction Motor Drive , Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. ۱۰, No. ۶ |
24. S. Abazari, M. Heidari and N. R. Abjadi, ADAPTIVE CONTROL DESIGN FOR A SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR , Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques-Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique (Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.–Électrotechn. et Énerg.), issue 4, 2014 |
26. D. Ghanbari, N. R. Abjadi and A. Ghanbari, Direct Torque and Flux Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS, INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING, Vol.2, No. 12, 2014 |
27. N. R. Abjadi, Sliding-mode control of a six-phase series/parallel connected
two induction motors drive
, ISA Transactions, No. 53, 2014, pp. 1847-1856 |
Research Journal |
28. Sayed Mohsen Ahmadi, Navid Reza Abjadi, Sayed Vahid Mirmoghtadaei, Ehsan Adib, A novel modeling method for forward-flyback converter and investigating proper design with guidelines to eliminate right half plane zeros , AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2024, DOI: 10.22060/EEJ.2024.23038.5584 |
٢٩. سید محسن احمدی، نویدرضا ابجدی، سیدوحید میرمقتدائی، احسان ادیب, تحليل ديناميکي مبدل فوروارد فلاي بک با اثر ESR خازن خروجي و مقايسه آن با مبدل فلاي بک , نشريه مهندسي برق و الکترونيک ايران، جلد 21، تیر 1403، ص 35-45 |
30. Navid Reza Abjadi, Adaptive input-output feedback linearization control for islanded inverter-based microgrids , International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Optimization (IECO), DOI: 10.22111/ieco.2023.44787.1465, 2024. |
31. Navid Reza Abjadi, Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Islanded Inverter-Based Microgrids , Scientific Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (JOAPE), 10.22098/joape.2023.10543.1750 |
32. ذبیح اله فرامرزی، سعید اباذری، سعید حقوقی، نوید رضا ابجدی, Improved power system dynamic stability by DFIG in the presence of SSSC using adaptive nonlinear multi-input back stepping , 10.22098/joape.2023.10565.1753 |
٣٣. ذبیح اله فرامرزی، سعید اباذری، سعید حقوقی، نوید رضا ابجدی, بهبود پایداری سیستم قدرت دارای DFIG در حضور SSSC به روش غیر خطی , هوش محاسباتی در مهندسی برق، بهار 1401 |
٣٤. ع.ر.گودرزیان، ن.ر.ابجدی، غ.ر.عرب و ی. عبدالهی, طراحی و ساخت کنترل کننده بهبود یافته مد لغزشی مرتبه کاهش یافته با کنترل ... , مجله مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز، تابستان 1395 |
35. A. Goudarzian, H. Nasiri and N.R. Abjadi, Design and implementation of a condtant frequency sliding mode controller for … , International journal of Eng, Feb. 2016 |
٣٦. سید محمد جلال رستگار، جعفر سلطانی و نویدرضا ابجدی, کنترل مستقیم گشتاور و شار یک موتور شش فاز القایی نامتقارن، تغذیه شده با اینورترهای سه سطحی SVPWM با بکارگیری طبقه بندی عصبی , مجله کنترل، انجمن مهندسان کنترل و ابزار دقیق، پاییز 1392 |
٣٧. محسن کربعلی زاده، نویدرضا ابجدی، غلامرضا عرب و جعفر سلطانی, کنترل تطبیقی با خطی سازی با فیدبک ورودی-خروجی یک مبدل رزونانسی سری-موازی dc-dc , مجله مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز، بهار 1393 |
٣٨. د. قنبری، ن. ر. ابجدی، غ. ر. عرب و ج. سلطانی, کنترل مستقیم شار و گشتاور یک موتور القایی شش فاز نامتقارن , ، ج. 41، ش. 2. مجله مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز |
International Conference |
39. N. R. Abjadi, M. Mahdavi, Terminal sliding mode control for positive output Luo converter , ۲۷ th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE۲۰۱۹) , Yazd, Iran |
40. N. R. Abjadi, M. Mahdavi, Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Step-Up/Step-Down Z-Source DC-DC Converter , 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2019), Iran, Tehran 2019 |
41. S. Ahmadzadeh, G. R. Arab, N. R. Abjadi, Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Step-Up/Step-Down Z-Source DC-DC Converter , 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2019), Iran, Tehran 2019 |
42. S. Ahmadzadeh, G. Arab, N. R. Abjadi, Back-stepping sliding mode control of a Z-source DC-DC converter , PEDSTC2018, 2018 |
43. A. Fallahzadeh, N. R. Abjadi, A. Kargar, M. Mahdavi, Sliding Mode Control of Single Phase Grid Connected PV System Using Sign Function , ۴th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI-۲۰۱۷), 2017 |
44. N. R. Abjadi, M. Shahriari, M. Mahdavi, State feedback exact linearization for two POESLL converter schemes , ۴th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), 2017 |
45. N. R. Abjadi, M. Mahdavi, H. Akbari, Emotional Controller (BELBIC) for positive output Luo converter , 5th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA), 2017 |
46. A. Fallahzadeh, N. R. Abjadi, A. Kargar, Double-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System With POSLL Converter Using PI Resonant Controller , ۲۰۱۷ ۵th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA), 2017 |
47. H. Almasi, A. Kargar, N. R. Abjadi, کنترل توان اکتيو و راکتيو ريز شبکه به روش کنترلر مد لغزشي در هر دو مد متصل و جزيره اي , 25th Iranian conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2017), 2017 |
48. S. Ahmadzadeh, G. Arab, N. R. Abjadi, Sliding Mode Control of the Four Quadrant Quasi-Z-Source DC-DC Converter , ۸th power electronics and drive, systems and technologies conferens (PEDSTC2017), 2017 |
49. S.A.A. Fallahzadeh, N.R.Abjadi and A.Kargar, Direct adaptive and reactive power control of … , بیست و یکمین کنفرانس شبکه های توزیع نیروی برق، 1395 |
50. A. M. Tabrizchi, J. Soltani, J. Shishehgar and N. R. Abjadi, Direct Torque control of Speed Sensorless Five-Phase IPMSM Based on Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization , The ۵th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC ۲۰۱۴) |
51. J. Shishehgar, J. Soltani, A. M. Tabrizchi and N. R. Abjadi, Direct Torque and Flux Control of Speed Sensorless Five-phase Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Based on Adaptive Sliding Mode Control , The ۵th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC ۲۰۱۴) |
52. M. Hosseinzadeh Soreshjani, N. R. Abjadi, Gh. Arab Markadeh, R. heidari and A. Kargar, Analysis of Z-Source AC-AC Converter , International Power System Conf. (PSC), 2012 |
53. Kh. Rahmati, Gh. R. Arab Markadeh, N. R. Abjadi and J. Soltani, Direct Torque Control of a Single Phase Induction Motor Using Feedback Linearization Control , ۳rd power electronics, drive systems and technologies conf. (PEDSTC), 2012 |
54. S. Saberiyan borujeni, Gh. R. Arab Markadeh, J. Soltani and N. R. Abjadi, Second Order Sliding Mode Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives with Maximized Efficiency , ۳rd power electronics, drive systems and technologies conf. (PEDSTC), 2012 |
55. S. Saberiyan borujeni, Gh. R. Arab Markadeh, J. Soltani and N. R. Abjadi, Flux and Torque Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Based on Second Order Sliding Mode Method , the ۲nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA), 2011 |
56. A. Kargar, D. Ghanbari, N. R. Abjadi, K. Rahmati, Improvement in Speed Control of a Six-Phase Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Control and Genetic Algorithm , The International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (ACEMP) & Electromotion Joint Conf., 2011 |
National Conference |
٥٧. امیرحسین میرزاییان، سعید اباذری و نویدرضا ابجدی, بررسی بهبود پایداری گذرای سیستم قدرت توسط جبران کننده ی ... , سومین کنفرانس سراسری اصلاح و بهینه سازی مصرف انرژی الکتریکی، 1390 |
٥٨. داود قنبری، نویدرضا ابجدی و عباس کارگر, کنترل فرکانس سیستم دو منطقه ای با استفاده از منطق فازی , یازدهمین کنفرانس سیستمهای فازی ایران، 1390 |