یکشنبه ٢٨ بهمن ١٤٠٣

رحیم ابراهیمی

استاد تمام

مهندسی مکانیک بیوسیستم

دانشکده کشاورزی

تلفن: 2237


دفتر کار مجازی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی
   موتورهای احتراق داخلی
   انرژی های تجدیدپذیر
   انرژی در کشاورزی
   چرخه های ترمودینامیکی

سوابق تحصیلی
   دکتری، مهندسی مکانیک، ، فرانسه، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٨٥
   کارشناسی ارشد، مهندسی بیوسیستم (مکانیک ماشینهای کشاورزی)، دانشگاه تهران، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٨٠

International Journal
1. MohammadrezaAsghar, iBahramHosseinzadeh Samani, RahimEbrahimi, Review on non-thermal plasma technology for biodiesel production: Mechanisms, reactors configuration, hybrid reactors ,
2. Seyedeh HodaYoosefian, Rahim Ebrahimi, BahramHosseinzadeh Samani ,Ali Maleki, Modification of bioethanol production in an innovative pneumatic digester with non-thermal cold plasma detoxification ,
3. Rahim Ebrahimi, A new comparative study on performance of engine cycles under maximum thermal efficiency condition ,
4. MahdiAmiryousefi, Mahmoud RezaTadayon, RahimEbrahimi, Energy and exergy efficiencies assessment for two Quinoa cultivars productions , Energy Reports Volume 7, November 2021, Pages 2324-2331
5. Rahim Ebrahimi, A new design method for maximizing the work output of cycles in reciprocating internal combustion engines , Energy Conversion and Management Volume 172, 15 September 2018, Pages 164-172
6. Mahmood Mahmoodi-Eshkaftaki, Rahim Ebrahimi, The effect of blade angle of turbine impellers on anaerobic digestion efficiency in stirred digesters, , Energy Volume 178, 1 July 2019, Pages 772-780
7. محمود محمودی اشگفتکی، رحیم ابراهیمی, Assess a new strategy and develop a new mixer to improve anaerobic microbial activities and clean biogas production, , Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 206 (1):797-807
8. محمود محمودی اشگفتکی، رحیم ابراهیمی, Assess a new strategy and develop a new mixer to improve anaerobic microbial activities and clean biogas production, , Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 206 (1):797-807
9. R. Ebrahimi, Performance analysis of an irreversible Miller cycle with considerations of relative air–fuel ratio and stroke length , Applied Mathematical Modelling,36(9),2012, 4073–4079
10. Rasool Fatehi Ghahfarokhi, Shahram Khalilary, Rahim Ebrahimi, Energy and exergy analysis of Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine , Thermal Science, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI120105217F
11. R. Ebrahimi, M. Sherafati, Thermodynamic simulation of performance of a dual cycle with stroke length and volumetric efficiency , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Doi: 10.1007/s10973-012-2424-1
12. Mahmoud Reza Tadayon, Rahim Ebrahimi, Ali Tadayon, Increased water productivity of wheat under supplemental irrigation and nitrogen application in a semi-arid region , Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST), 14(5), 2012,995-1003
13. R. Ebrahimi, Effect of specific heat ratio on heat release analysis in a spark ignition engine , Scientia Iranica, 18(6),2011,1231–1236
14. R. Ebrahimi, Thermodynamic modelling of performance of a Miller cycle with engine speed and variable specific heat ratio of working fluid , Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2011, 62(5):2169–2176
15. R. Ebrahimi, Experimental study of performance of spark ignition engine with gasoline and natural gas , International Journal of Engineering Transactions B: Applications, 2011, 24 (1):65-74
16. R. Ebrahimi, Effects of mean piston speed, equivalence ratio and cylinder wall temperature on performance of an Atkinson engine , Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011, 53:1289-1297
17. R. Ebrahimi, B. Desmet, An experimental investigation on engine speed and cyclic dispersion in an HCCI engine , Fuel 2010, 89,2149–2156
18. D. GHANBARIAN N.N. KOLCHIN,S.R. HASAN BEIGI, Rahim EBRAHIMI, Design and development of a small potato-grading machine using capron net , Journal of food process engineering, 2010, 6(3):1148-1158
19. R. Ebrahimi, Effects of variable specific heat ratio of working fluid on performance of an irreversible Diesel cycle , Int. J. Ambient Energy, 2010, 31(2):101-108
20. R. Ebrahimi, Effect of Expansion-Compression Ratio on Performance of a Miller Cycle , Acta Physics Polonica A, 2012, 122, 645-649
21. R. Ebrahimi, Effects of equivalence ratio and mean piston speed on performance of an irreversible dual cycle , Acta Physics Polonica A, 2011, 120(3)384-389
22. R. Ebrahimi, Performance analysis of a dual cycle engine with considerations of pressure ratio and cut-off ratio , Acta Physics Polonica A, 2010, 118(4):534-539
23. R. Ebrahimi, Effects of Variable Specific Heat Ratio on Performance of an Endoreversible Otto Cycle , Acta Physics Polonica A, 2010, 117(6):887-891
24. Marzie Salehi, Rahim Ebrahimi, Ali Maleki, Hassan Ghasemi Mobtaker, An assessment of energy modeling and input costs for greenhouse button mushroom production in Iran , Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 64: 377-383
25. R. Ebrahimi, Performance Analysis of an Irreversible Atkinson Cycle with Considerations of Stroke Length and Volumetric Efficiency , Journal of the Energy Institute, 2011, Vol. 84(1):38-43
26. R. Ebrahimi, Effects of pressure ratio on the net work output and efficiency characteristics for an endoreversible Dual cycle , Journal of the Energy Institute, 2011, Vol. 84(1):30-33
27. R. Ebrahimi, Effects of variable specific heat ratio of working fluid on performance of endoreversible Diesel cycle , Journal of the Energy Institute, 2010, 83 (1), 1-5
28. R. Ebrahimi, Thermodynamic Modeling of an Atkinson Cycle with respect to Relative Air Fuel Ratio Fuel Mass Flow Rate and Residual Gases, , Acta Physica Polonica A,2013, 124 (1), 29-34
29. Rahim Ebrahimi, Power Optimization of a Miller Thermal Cycle with respect to Residual Gases and Equivalence Ratio , Acta Physica Polonica A, 2013, 124 (1), 6-10
30. Mahmoodi M., Ebrahimi R., Torki M, Determination of Critical Conditions for Puncturing Almonds Using Coupled Response Surface Methodology and Genetic Algorithm , Critical Conditions for Puncturing Almonds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 2013, 51 (4), , 500–508
31. Hoseinpour M., Ebrahimi R, Performance Analysis of Irreversible Miller CycleUnder Variable Compression Ratio , Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2013, 27 (3), 542-548
32. Torki M., Ebrahimi R., Mahmoodi M, Almond production in Iran: Ananalysis of energy use efficiency , , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 41(2015), 217–224
33. R. Ebrahimi, Thermodynamic Simulation of Performance of an Irreversible Otto Cycle with Engine Speed and Variable Specific Heat Ratio Of Working Fluid , Arab J Sci Eng, 2014, 39 (1), 2091–2096
34. Salehi M., Ebrahimi R., Maleki A., Ghasemi Mobtaker H, An assessment of energy modeling and input costs for greenhouse button mushroom production in Iran , Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 64 (2014), 377-383
Research Journal
٣٥. سید احمد مرتضوی باباحیدری ، رحیم ابراهیمی، علی ملکی , بررسي تجربي شوري و دما در يک استخر خورشيدي گراديان نمکي ,
٣٦. نادر ساکنیان دهکردی* ، طیبه رهنما ، رحیم ابراهیمی ، احسان فروزمهر ، محمد مرادی, کيفيت سنجي غير مخرب ارقام مختلف هلو به روش فوتوآکوستيک , مجله پژوهش های مکانیک ماشین های کشاورزی
٣٧. رحیم ابراهیمی، چمران دانش دوست محمود رضا تدین حمد رضا قاسمی دستگردی4, ارائه يک مدل پيش بيني مبتني بر استنتاج فازي به منظور تخمين و بهينه سازي راندمان آبياري زيرسطحي خورشيدي , نشريه پژوهشهاي مكانيكماشينهاي كشاورزي
٣٨. حسن درندي، رحيم ابراهيمي، علي ملكي و محمود محمودي اشكفتكي, اثر پیش‌تیمار شیمیایی بر تولید متان ناشی از هضم همزمان کود گاو و ضایعات پسته پسته , نشريه پژوهشهاي مكانيكماشينهاي كشاورزي
٣٩. Ranjbar M, Tadayyon M, Tadayyon A, Ebrahimi R, Effect of Nitrogen, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc Sulfates on Yield and Some Characteristics of Biodiesel Produced from Safflower , Journal of Crop production and processing, 2012; 2 () :67-77(In Farsi
٤٠. R. Ebrahimi, Cycle to Cycle Combustion Variations in a Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Natural Gas , Amirkabir Journal of science Technology, 2011, 42(2):9-18 (in Farsi
٤١. R. Ebrahimi, Sh. Saboji, A new thermodynamic model for determination of cylinder volum deformation and TDC position , Fuel and Combustion, 2011, 4(1):1-11 (In Farsi
٤٢. R. Ebrahimi, S. Besharati, An experimental investigation on spark ignition engine with gasoline and natural gas fuels , Fuel and Combustion,2010, 3(1):85-75 (In Farsi
٤٣. R. Ebrahimi, Prediction of auto-ignition delay in HCCI engine , Fuel and Combustion, 2008,1(1):41-51 (In Farsi)

کتب و جزوات


پایان نامه ها
ردیف نام دانشجو عنوان تاریخ دفاع
١. سیده هدی یوسفیان امکان سنجی و توسعه یک سامانه ترکیبی پنو-مکانیکی برای بهبود تولید بیواتانول و بهینه سازی تخمیر با استفاده از پیش تیمارهای فراصوت و پلاسمای سرد سه شنبه ١١ مرداد ١٤٠١

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